Everyday Sacred Workbook PDF

Everyday Sacred Workbook PDF
28 daily Rituals & Plant Wisdom to Invoke the Sacred in your Every Day.
Previously offered as a mini e-course with Darcey Blue, is now available as a beautiful E-Book for you to work through each daily ritual prompt at your own speed. Take a week to meditate and connect with the fire element, or several days to anoint with your sacred flower essence and healing affirmation.
Each prompt is designed to be done in less than 20 minutes (with a few exceptions for ceremonies for the new and full moons), and is easy to incorporate into your daily routines.
Each days prompt comes with a workbook/journal page for you to use to deepen and affirm your work, and record your notes and experiences.
Meditations with the Elements- Earth, Air, Fire and Water
Plant Journey Meditations with Seeds, Roots, Flowers
Love Letters, Offerings, Mandalas & Healing Cauldron
Intentional and Sacred work w/ Tinctures, Teas, Flower Essences & Essential Oils
New and Full Moon Ceremonies
Intention, Honoring, Releasing, Protection
and more!